Friday, April 17, 2015

I will never leave

I sit here, watching colors reconfigure themselves millions of times a minute into images flashing across my screen. Events that shaped my childhood, and are still shaping me now, flash by, bringing tears to my eyes. A powerful wave of emotion surges through my body; the adrenaline rush is unmatched by anything I've ever experienced before. I am the person I am now because of what I see before me, and nothing has ever felt more amazing to behold. The awe I feel is no less than what I felt 13 years ago, when I entered this endless universe for the first time. And now I know that I will never leave.

[Watching the new Star Wars trailer -]

Thursday, April 16, 2015

and now her watch is ended

She was a warrior. Defending herself and her own from anything the world cared to throw at them. For the night is dark and full of terrors. Terrors that threaten to render us forever harmless. Four years have passed since her battle turned inward. Waging war against herself, pain etched into every fiber of her being. Yet she persevered,  battling bravely onward. A week ago, she breathed her last. But she fought on till her last breath. And now her watch is ended. 

[Quotes taken from Game of Thrones]
[Image source:]

Sunday, April 5, 2015


oh, that sweet voice. 
and she sings just for me. 

defying the storm

from strong winds and stormy skies
emerges illumination
enlightening those daring enough
to defy the storm
both without and within

and she stops thinking altogether

And as the shadow descends upon her, enveloping her in darkness, she silently screams her woe to the world. Her anger and frustration at being crushed under the enormous weight that has been unceremoniously shoved onto her shoulders spills out into the world like a flood of pure flame, instantly incinerating everything in its path. 
But then she stops to think. And then she stops thinking at all. And then the storm has passed, and the world spins as usual once more. But for one soul, everything has changed. For she has been freed. Released from the unnecessary burden of living up to the unrealistic expectations of society. Able to step out from the darkness underneath the shadow. And the sweet taste of freedom on her lips makes her shudder with delight. For now she is capable of changing the world as she knows it. 

Friday, April 3, 2015

for passion is fire made flesh

I brush my fingers across the smooth, polished surface. Grasping it by the neck, I position it in my arms. My fingers press down on the fretboard. Floating words ignite innumerable ideas in my mind; my pick begins its dance over the strings. I have no sense of time; there is only the music, and there is me. When I wake from my trance, the world is silent as the night. And, I belatedly realize, I have just composed my very first song.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

and then I blinked

The symbölis of the House of Fȳre seared black into her skin. Silky strands cascading down her shoulders in a fiery waterfall of red and brown. Tall and slender; her eyes like two chips of blue ice, frozen for an infinitesimal moment in the midst of a fleeting storm. And the gaze she laid upon me, penetrating me to my bones, laying my innermost secrets bare for her to see. And then I blinked, and she was just another random teenage girl. Albeit a very annoyed one.

[This is actually a character description from a novel I'm writing. Or at least attempting to.]